UNTOLD Podcast, Episode-75 ft. Nimi Borgohain, the Chief Clinical Psychologist of Guwahati's GNRC hospital, Dispur.
With an experience of 31 years, Ms Nimi Borgohain brings to the table loads of cases that will help us find the answers to unanswered questions. In our daily lives, we resist not finding the answers to many questions. These lead to severe issues too.
Mental Health has become a serious issue today. In this episode, we try to find how mental health issues can directly harm physical health as well. Nimi Borgohain explains in the best way for a layman to understand.
Before joining GNRC, Borgohain was working as a visiting faculty at the North East Institute for Mentally Handicapped at Mon Vikas Kendra, Kahilipara, Guwahati. She did her Masters in Clinical Psychology from SNDT Women's University, Mumbai. Specialised in Child and Adolescent Psychology from NIMHANS, Bangalore.
She was also a visiting faculty at the Asian Institute of Nursing Education; and a visiting Counsellor at SB Deora College and Serenity - a rehabilitation centre for persons with substance abuse.
Previously, she has advocated Child & Adolescence Mental Health Issues in colleges, schools and NGOs on various topics on Child in the North East Region.
She is currently the President at 'Projonmo' - an NGO for special needs children and a daycare centre for children with special needs.