UNTOLD Podcast, Episode 98 ft. Tridib Bhagabati, former President of Cotton University Students' Union, an Active Political Analyst. In this episode of the Podcast, we thorough discuss about the Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019 (CAA) and how it impacts Assam. We discuss as to how the implementation of the Act differs across India, even diversely understandable in the contest of Northeastern India. Tridib Bhagabati explains in the context of Assam's long time battle against the influx of illegal Bangladeshis and how it is gradually fuelling a demographic change in Assam.The population of Assamese speaking people is gradually decreasing as such the concern remains allowing Bangladeshis respective of which religion, to settle in Assam. We also talk in details about the CAA Protest that began in 2019, led by the students in Guwahati. Tridib and Me, being a part of that protest, we recall what we witnessed ourselves and how the protest changed waves overtime.