Episode description
Shorts: Buffy S4E10 "Hush" (1999); Unedited Footage of a Bear (2015); Seasons Greetings (2016); Curve (2021); LOCAL58TV “Weather Service” (2017); The Strange Thing About the Johnsons (2011)
Playlist of shorts here and Buffy is here.
Approachability: ??/10 (Approachability varies here)
Content Warnings: Creepy faces; Jump scares; Doppelganger; Disassociation; Blood/Gore; Incest; Sexual Assault
Hosts: Jeffrey Cranor & Cecil Baldwin (Find more of our work on Welcome to Night Vale)
Editing: Grant Stewart
Logo: David Baldwin
YouTube, Twitter, Letterboxd, & Instagram: @RandomHorror9
We are part of Night Vale Presents