In this episode, we talk to Cara North about how to professionally brand yourself as a learning and development professional. We also talk about graduate degrees for learning and development professionals, and although neither of us believe a degree is necessary for success in the field, we talk about some of the benefits we've seen to pursuing one.
Cara North is an award-winning learning experience designer and has been in talent and development for 10+ years, working in both higher education and corporate settings. She is a Training Operations Manager at Silfex. North is also a Ph.D. candidate at The Ohio State University. She also serves as Past-President of Central Ohio ATD and Community Manager for the Training Learning and Development Community. A self-proclaimed social media junkie, you can often find her on Twitter (@caranorth11) & LinkedIn (/in/caranorth11).
Cara's suggestions for those who are considering instructional design:
Harold D. Stolovitch and Erica J. Keeps's Telling Ain't Training
Will Thalheimer's - Performance-Focused Learner Surveys: Using Distinctive Questioning to Get Actionable Data and Guide Learning Effectiveness
Connect with Heidi on LinkedIn: or on my website:
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