We've discussed The Walking Dead quite a bit over the last 380 episodes. So much that you could probably piece together at least a couple of complete episodes consisting only of Walking Dead talk and still have some material left over. Whether it's the latest issue of the comic or the recent crazy event that happened on the TV show, it's one of those things that has consistently merited discussion. Admittedly, it's been some time since we last did a deep dive into the TV show. Alex still keeps up with the latest bits via Netflix but I dropped off 3 or 4 seasons ago. Turns out not having access to cable can really kill one's motivation to watch something on a consistent basis. It also doesn't help when that person is very lazy. But. The comic still makes an appearance on our show every so often, usually either in passing or because I can't keep my "holy sh!t" moments to myself. And this is where I get sad (and to the point) because after the issue that came out this week, an enormous double sized #193, The Walking Dead comic has come to an end. Given that we've been talking about this comic/TV show since , we found it borderline irresponsible for us to not talk about it. So we talked about it. And, as shocking as it may be, we managed to keep it mostly spoiler free. There may be some spoilery bits in there for those who aren't caught up yet, so it might be best to get up to speed before tuning in. But for the most part we used this week's episode to discuss and pay tribute to one of the most consistent and beloved books of the 21st century. (Was that lame? That felt lame. But like, it's also kinda true? Whatever. I'm leaving it in.) Enjoy! -Jr.