Many business owners treat their business finances like their own personal bank account. They think they’re being frugal by only taking what they “need” – but it’s actually a sloppy way to manage both business and personal finances.
It’s Day 9 of the Double Your Revenue Challenge, and in today’s episode, Donald Miller challenges you to put yourself on a consistent salary. Just like you’d pay an employee or contractor a fixed rate, Don recommends treating yourself the same way. Determine the amount of money you’re going to pay yourself – and then live within those means! The result? Better financial discipline, enough money to pay business taxes and expenses, and more motivation to increase overall revenue. Tune in now!
Take action and download the Double Your Revenue Challenge checklist at
If you’re looking for comprehensive training and ongoing weekly coaching to help you double your business’s revenue, join Small Business Flight School.
During the Double Your Revenue Challenge, you can get $500 off Flight School with code DOUBLE2023.
Offer expires August 18, 2023.