A highly effective leader finds herself in the middle of a terrible mess, not of her own making. When her coach marvels at her ability to stay calm amidst the chaos, she shares a lesson she learned from her dad.
In addition to the tools discussed during this episode, Tom also talks about:
“Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High.”
Conversations with Coaches – Episode #184
Executive Coaching Special Interest Group
This episode is tagged in three categories in the Podcast Library:
Perception – How You Perceive Yourself
Five episodes to help you manage during difficult times:
109 - Building Emotional Intelligence
152 - Combating Emotional Hijacks
75 - “Don’t Take Anything Personally”
All our free infographics are in the Essential Tools bin.
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Until next month, be well!
Tom and The Look & Sound of Leadership team.