This month’s coaching conversation is between Tom and Courtney, another executive coach. What traits, they wonder, do effective executives share? If rising leaders wanted to reverse engineer what it means to be executives, what would they put in the mix?
The five qualities Tom and Courtney identify are:
Resilience -- get over hurts and setbacks
Influence – build a natural reserve of strong relationships
Organization – create lead-time and eliminate fire drills
Scope – maintain the highest altitude possible; resist the weeds
Speed of Thought – exert alertness and be mentally nimble
At the end of this month’s commentary, Tom lists six books, each one different, but all leading towards personal growth and professional development. They are…
Change Your Questions, Change Your Life
Crucial Conversations or Difficult Conversations
Want a free PDF of these titles, including who might prefer which? Click here and put “6 Books” in the subject line. We’ll send you the PDF.
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