In the latest episode of “Talking Trade,” AgTrade USA CEO Robert Bishop offers insights on the global livestock market.
Bishop, who is also the president of the Livestock Exporters Association, discusses the latest developments related to an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza, or bird flu.
“The main country we’re concerned about right now is Turkey, they’ve cut us off because of it,” Bishop said, highlighting an October visit from a Turkish delegation that’s meant to “show them that bird flu really doesn’t affect the type of cattle that we export.”
The podcast puts a focus on American cattle, with Bishop noting decades of genetic manipulation have led to the “top genomic cattle in the world” that are sought after worldwide.
“Today, we ship cattle out of Wilmington, Delaware; Galveston, Texas; and Olympia, Washington are the three major ports in the U.S.,” Bishop said, noting they’re being shipped to destinations throughout Asia, eastern Europe, the Middle East, northern Africa and elsewhere.
He also touches on how historical animal shipping trends have changed over the years, including how trade relationships with China have shifted, as well as the role of USDA’s Animal Plant Health Inspection Service in reaching new markets.
“It’s a fantastic relationship that livestock exporters have with our partners at APHIS,” Bishop said.
Talking Trade is hosted by E.M Wasylik Associates Managing Director Ken Wasylik and M.E. Dey & Co. President and Managing Director Sandi Siegel.