Episode description
- Pre-show:
- Facebook’s outage
- BGP is a thing. Who knew? (John did.)
- Understanding How Facebook Disappeared from the Internet
- Explanation from Facebook
- Thank you to Hsiang-Ling Jennifer Lin’s parents!
- We’ve opened an on-demand ATP store!
- Facebook’s outage
- Follow-up:
- Anandtech on the A15
- On RAW data rates (via Brian Petersen)
- John’s motion sickness and gaming
- Marco’s updates
- Kühl pants
- Apple Silicone Case
- Peel Cases
- Nudient Cases
- ProClipUSA Magafe Car Mount
- 🚨 SPOILER ALERT 🚨 Marco’s deposit
- Tesla ends leases as well as they build cars
- Possible 14” and 16” MacBook Pro rumors
- Display resolutions
- What do we expect? What would we be surprised by?
- #askatp:
- Would/should Apple make ergonomic accessories? (via Johnny Oliver)
- Can the This website is using significant energy notices be stopped? (via Michael Hagan)
- When will we get CarPlay from watchOS? (via Yoni)
- Post-show: Apple Watch Series 7 buying plans
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