Episode description
- Pre-show: Running public sound
- Automixing
- Sound Devices Mix Pre-10 II
- Zoom F8n
- Zoom LiveTrak L8
- Reminder that gift memberships make for a great last-minute gift!
- Follow-up:
- iCloud.com login with only a password
- Apple Store experience (via Morgan Schönberger)
- More details via Ian Williamson
- icloud.com/find
- Joanna Stern’s prison interview
- Beeper → Beeped
- Virtualization options for macOS
- UTM was recommended by several, including Luke Channings and Glenn Brown
- Steve Troughton-Smith’s write-up
- Is Masimo a patent troll?
- The Verge article
- LA Times article from October
- Apple working on a software workaround?
- Against Intellectual Monopoly, by Michele Boldrin and David K. Levine
- EVs that [allegedly] satisfy all of Rangachari Anand’s requirements
- Rick Gore really likes VAG
- Daphne Sakellarides suggests the Hyundai Kona
- Doug Spry reiterates Casey’s pick of the Chevy Bolt
- Thestrategery recommends the Mini Cooper SE
- Sam Abuelsamid
- Chevy Blazer EV
- On car controls
- Volkswagen reneges on all the crummy controls
- Sam Abuelsamid’s take
- iCloud.com login with only a password
- iPhone 16 “Capture Button”
- Next Apple Watch breaks band compatibility? 😱
- Google loses antitrust case to Epic
- Stratechery (Paywalled)
- #askatp:
- Do Nvidia & Apple mean different things by the word “core”? (via Ammar)
- If Apple really does make Siri better, will it land in existing HomePods? (via Ryan McDonough)
- A complete 🤬 trainwreck of a third #askatp. No spoilers.
- Post-show Neutral: Marco’s adventure
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