Episode description
- Pre-show: Moving is not fun.
- Follow-up:
- Apple fixes worn keycaps (via Ezekiel Elin)
- OpenAI
- Tip for buying smart thermostats (via Neil Weinstock)
- Marco’s many-taps Ecobee
- Chip packaging
- Introductory videos on packaging
- ECC RAM in Apple Silicon (via Grady Borders & Joe Lion)
- Green bubbles get slightly less 🤢?
- Apple extends free 🛰️ emergency services
- Thunderbolt 5
- #askatp:
- Can John take us on a tour of his recommended TVs? (via Gary Owen)
- Sony A95L
- LG G3
- RTings.com OLED burn-in tests
- Sony X95L
- Sony X90L
- Digital Trends best TVs of 2023
- Have we ever had iCloud randomly revert a file? (via Stephen Towler)
- Which apps should be blocked from refreshing in the background? (via Marcos Vinícius Petri)
- Can John take us on a tour of his recommended TVs? (via Gary Owen)
- Post-show: Moving is fun.
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