Episode description
- Follow-up on Overcast:
- Debug
- Downloads, accounts, conversions, server load
- Pixar and Ed Catmull get involved in wage-fixing
- Yosemite Public Beta
- VPN woes of the past
- Radar
- SuperDuper
- OS/2 Warp
- After-show:
- Marco rents crazy headphones from The Cable Company
- Marco's original post
- HE-6 headphones (the crazy way that planar-magnetic drivers work)
- The massive EF-6 amp and its crazy audiophile volume knob (top center) — it's a stepped attenuator, since common potentiometers are considered inferior.
- XLR plugs and balanced audio
- Casey still loves in-ear monitors (probably while listening to vinyl), but many experts in both prefer headphones.
- Casey surprises Marco and John by playing Journey
- Marco rents crazy headphones from The Cable Company
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