Have you ever thought an offhanded remark you made when you were a child/teen would be used to cancel you as revenge years later? Well, Mimi Grove sure did not. Find out how an unintentional racial slur made when she was 15, has caused this poor girl to lose her dream college.
Next up, we discuss netizens who simply have nothing better to do and decide to find fault in the physical appearance of freaking CARTOON CHARACTERS. Yup, you heard that right. Cartoon characters that aren't real can also be cancelled for not portraying "realistic beauty standards" to kids.
When refreshing mahjong tile designs sparks debate over cultural appropriation... Is it truly the design of the tiles that annoyed people or is it the fact that it was designed by 3 white women?
Lastly, we won’t be surprised if loan sharks get jail time for cheating people, but have you heard the story of someone going to jail for cheating a loan shark? Tune in to hear Xiaxue having a good laugh at how Lucas (the loan shark) was cheated of $340 by his runner who did not complete the harassment to Lucas' debtors.