All kinds of hijinks! Sheldon runs a 10K for the first time in a long time and it's a fun goal for himself. Also, he got more old this weekend as well. Meredith - so, so proud of her - she earned her Master’s degree! Shoutout to Ottawa University for their program that helped make it possible.
[13:30] Our guest is the one and only Lou Lentine - CEO and Founder of Echelon. We talk about the journey the company is on and all of the super exciting products, partnerships, and great new content being developed. Lou has a maniacal focus on making sure Echelon products are not only accessible, but also are a quality product. We discuss how the strength machine went back to the drawing board when it didn’t meet his standards as a user. There’s also a chance to name the new machine! Submit ideas to - you could win a strength machine! Recap at [1:17:10]
[1:36:10] In industry news: estimates after a recent capital raise estimate Tonal valuation at ~$600MM. This seems really high to Sheldon considering all of the risk in this market and what seems to be poor growth… but who knows. Strava and Spotify have integrated! Supplement company Form hires Orlando Bloom as “Chief Well ness Officer”. We discuss this - are these just vanity titles or is there a real job involved here? Apple set to launch Coach+ that uses your Apple Health data AI to curate 1:1 fitness, nutrition, and sleep recommendations. Also - the military using wearables more to track health of soldiers so that they can make adjustments. Mirror maker Forme raises an additional $12MM in an IPO… strange time to go public if you ask me. The stock dropped 17% in its first day.
[1:53:14] Echelon news. John Holt debut on the Bike! Ryn gets Married! Dual rides with Jana and Eden. An instructor leaves and a new one - Alexis - joins the team! Michael Browne - verve records ride. Some changes in the schedule. Some great names and TONS of shoutouts!!!
[2:06:00) An announcement from the team. Sheldon moving on from being a regular host. They have recruited Abe Kelledjian (Monkey’s Uncle) to step in and co-host with Meredith. It was a tough choice for Sheldon, but he feels this will be a new and fun era for the show!