In this episode we start with a big surprise - shhhhh you'll have to listen! Then we celebrate a major milestone and give Meredith praise for some accomplishments (that turns into a bit of a theme this episode - apparently she's kinda awesome).
We then interview the amazing Richard Wilson - UK Rider, cake master, and creator of his very on in-home Echelon themed studio! Seriously, the thing is baller. Richard talks to us about his journey and how it started - he HATED the bike initially.... now does 3-5 rides a day!!
We talk about inspiring others, engaging the community, supporting ALL of the instructors, and creating a community filled with positivity.
Oh and CAKE - Richard's business is cake, and I am curious of his favorites and if he's ever eaten it WHILE riding. Inquiring minds want to know... well... at lease I DO!
We also learn a foreign language - did you know the British say "maths" when talking about "math"? Yeah, we get very cerebral on this show.
You can find Richard on IG at: @RKYW and his cake business IG (it's amazing...) @cakeoleinsta
In the post show, we talk about Richard's amazing personality and inspiring energy, and then we praise Meredith some more, because "why not" right?
Competition - Peloton getting into the video game and rower business, All kinds of "train like Olympian" challenges, and a health insurer pays for a connected fitness membership
Echelon: Disney Jungle Cruise ride and ALL of the shout outs to milestones, special rides (Amber's birthday and Lindsay lifting the spirits with the power of Spiderman), oh and then we praise Meredith some more.