We open up with Halloween hijinks. Mere watches jazz, Sheldon negotiates with the "Kit Kat" kid. We also discuss if we were the children of Gods who would our parents be. (Hey, don't judge, our podcast, our rules)
Our guest today is Monkeys' Uncle himself Abe Kelledjian, a Canadian rider and a member of The Eh Team - a group of Canadian riders that rock the house. He was a super fun guest that immediately had a "sheldon" story when he was able to see a Big Bang Theory pilot. His journey is such an interesting one where he escaped a civil war at a young age. He discovered Echelon in a way many of us will relate to, and immediately connected with the community. He tells some great stories about how the instructors changed the game for him and now he's ALL in! He reminds of of some great lessons and has a great answer for the "Three Questions".
Lots of news - especially on the Peloton front. Eye popping comp for their CEO, a shaky earnings report, and a new "talk show / ride" for one of their most popular instructors. We address "Kanye-gate"... briefly... that's all we will say about it.
Echelon has a BIG sales happening, equipment and gear for low prices. Lots of folks stocking up. Miami instructors invade Chatt! Lots of fun duo rides. Member appreciation week also brings a lot of fun to the party. Meredith has tons of shout outs to deliver as well.
We wrap up the show with Snackdown! Results and Native American Awareness.