A bit of a twist today. Normally, this episode would be one where Meredith and Abe chat a bit, cover Echelon news, do some fun names, shoutouts, an experts segment, and the ever-so-popular feature - Did You Know!
Well...did you know....that today's episode is actually an interview...kind of. When Lou Lentine offers to come on the podcast to talk about concerns members are having, and brings John Santo (Chief Product Officer, and Chief Technology Officer), along with Mike Rabinovitz (Chief Marketing Officer) with him, we reschedule the regular episode!
We start this episode with a bit of pre-interview banter, and then get right into it!
[5:16] Interview
[1:23:25] Meredith talks sportsball and surprisingly, Abe knew it was basketball! Hey Abe...who was that third guy again?
[1:27:00] Pelvis talk - yep - you read that correctly. It's a natural progression into our experts segment about pelvic floor workouts
[1:28:45] Ask the Experts segment - and guys - you can benefit from pelvic floor workouts as well! Also, coming January 1 - 90 minute New Year ride with Jama!
For the record - Abe did not forget the name of the podcast. As he gets older, he forgets sometimes to do the extro to the show.