Welcome to Amplifying And Multiplying Your Time PART 2! This episode is all about focusing on YOUR unique capabilities to amplify your life and business and using real-life time hacks to make the MOST of the time you have.
This episode of the podcast focuses on something I call Folding Time. Think of it visually, as if you were to take a piece of paper and fold it like an accordion or in a stack. You can pass through time by getting through a lot more stuff by stacking or folding time. Here are some “time folding hacks”:
#1 - Personal coaching. This means having someone on the outside look at your life and say, “Here are some horrible behaviors” or “Here are some ways you can get rid of the ‘noise’ in your day-to-day life.”
#2 - Ego death. This essentially means, “What are your worst unconscious behaviors?” Sometimes they're stacked traumas or trauma resolution that comes from getting supportive help, possibly through a spiritual or personal guide. Meditation is the “slow path” toward ego death.
Right now, it’s very popular for executives and professionals to practice “plant medicine” (psilocybin or “magic mushrooms,” ayahuasca, LSD, and many other tools) that rapidly allows you to “see” parts or elements of yourself and rid yourself of them quickly.
Another time compressor is creating less or not over-creating. What I've learned after coaching and advising hundreds of business leaders and executives who feel stuck is that rather than selling more and increasing their value, they go back to creating more “stuff.”
Soon they're surrounded by 40 products that aren’t being sold or marketed. What they should be doing is picking the top three and putting ALL of their effort into those. This isn’t fun or attractive to “quick start creatives,” but it’s necessary.
With 100 percent certainty, I know this to be true and I am completely guilty of doing this in the past. My typical behavior historically is, instead of solving the problems that exist in the current product, to just create a new product with a different message and get that out there. What I wound up with was an overwhelmed and confused audience of buyers. NOT good.
During this episode, Dan and I each talk about and identify our top three unique capabilities—the three things we’re really great at and focus on in order to increase our value and grow our businesses. You’re not going to want to miss those. Enjoy the show!