Happy Holidays! I sincerely hope you’re taking time to relax and enjoy this time of year with your family and friends. My gift to you is an extra special, feel-good podcast with a little touch of “woo-woo” on top.
This week on the show, I had the privilege of interviewing my friend and one of the stars of the movie The Secret, Marci Shimoff, about her life, her many reinventions, what scares her the most, and what she would wish for if she had a magic wand.
When Marci was 16 years old, she started doing TM (transcendental meditation) and was SO changed by the practice that she decided to attend Maharishi International University in Fairfield, Iowa. The only difference in her education was that they learned everything in the light of natural law and everybody practiced transcendental meditation, from the students to the staff and faculty.
Despite her parents’ trepidations about her attending a non-traditional, unaccredited university AND their doubts that she would survive Iowa winters (being a California girl!), she went on to graduate. At first, she was embarrassed to tell people where she graduated from so she went on to get her MBA from UCLA so that she wouldn’t have to confess. Today, she’s VERY proud of that background and feels like it has served her well.
Proof positive, we now know from a scientific AND medical perspective the benefits of meditation, and if you're not meditating, you're not performing as well as you could be.
During her extremely successful career as a #1 New York Times bestselling author and transformational leader, she has reinvented herself many times. In fact, she is heading in a brand new direction right now, so I was curious … “What terrifies Marci Shimoff?”
Her answers might surprise you: things like letting go of working too much, never learning to play the piano or speak Spanish, and not doing more philanthropic work. But there’s more, much more ...
Marci is an exceptional soul and a fascinating woman who’s lived an extraordinary life of service to others. Enjoy!