On September 17, 1994, Alabama’s Heather Whitestone was crowned as Miss America 1995. During her year of service as Miss America, Heather focused her efforts and activities on motivating our nation’s citizens to achieve their dreams through dedication, commitment and hard work. As she delivered her message, “Anything is Possible,” Heather sought to inspire individuals to achieve their goals through the S.T.A.R.S. program. As Miss America 1995, Heather traveled an average of 20,000 miles each month and spoke in a different city every other day and travelled to all 50 states. Heather Whitestone was the first woman with a disability to be crowned Miss America, having lost her hearing at 18 months old. As Miss America, she partnered with the Alexander Graham Bell Foundation to spear head a national initiative to ensure that all newborns receive a hearing screening test at birth. At the end of her campaign, every state in the United States had adopted a newborn hearing screening program. In recognition of her influence, Heather has been selected by two U.S. Presidents to serve the nation. Heather and her husband John now reside in Georgia with their four boys John, James, Wilson and Liam. MY BOOK, Goals in Action, is now available on Amazon!! ------ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09RG8WCH3 Let's be friends :) Instagram: @baileygguy BaileyGuySpeaks.com Music by Slip.stream - Overu "Attention" - https://slip.stream/tracks/187d6b2c-b91e-44f6-97d7-d9b4156764bb