Quick clips - Buckminster Fuller quote, Bezos dick rocket, US of Subscriptions, NPR vs Shapiro.
Main stories - telecoms spends $320K/day so your broadband sucks, super yachts, & Lake Mead water shortage.
Richard Buckminster Fuller - "The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian Darwinian theory he must justify his right to exist. So we have inspectors of inspectors and people making instruments for inspectors to inspect inspectors."
Bezos dick rocket in space - “We need to take all heavy industry, all polluting industry and move it into space. It’s one planet, and we share it and it’s fragile. ... We live on this beautiful planet. You can’t imagine how thin the atmosphere is when you see it from space. We live in it and it looks so big. It feels like this atmosphere is huge and we can disregard it and treat it poorly.”
America is the land of subscriptions and passive income, and MLM. America is cold and callus and really doesn’t care about people (I mean this as a whole). The desensitization of America.
NPR angry about Shapiro - Outrage As A Business Model: How Ben Shapiro Is Using Facebook To Build An Empire - source
The Telecoms Industry Spends $320K a Day to Make Sure Your Broadband Sucks - source
According to a new study conducted jointly by Common Cause and the Communications Workers of America (CWA) union, telecoms giants spend nearly $320,000 a day on average in the course of their work to thwart any legislation that would disrupt their ironclad grip on the broadband marketplace. Comcast — reportedly the worst offender — spent more than $43 million in the last congressional session alone, with AT&T trailing at $36 million spent.
Wild Superyacht Secrets I Learned When I Became a Deckhand - source
At a shipyard in the Netherlands—the world’s megayacht maternity ward—the largest vessel of its kind is being custom-built for Amazon.com Inc. founder Jeff Bezos at a projected cost that tops $500 million. “They eat like Americans but want five times the portion size, always served buffet-style,” Sawyer says. “And they only eat around 10%.” "Prostitutes are a different story. “We see day-use girlfriends on other boats all the time,” says Christopher Sawyer, the Bella’s chef, “especially in the Med.” He’s even witnessed big spenders fill a secondary superyacht with women to trail the lead vessel, swapping them on and off—10 at a time—throughout the course of several days."
Federal government expected to declare first-ever water shortage at Lake Mead - source
Water levels at Lake Mead keep dropping. The federal government is expected to declare its first ever “tier one” shortage.
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