Social media, echo chambers, confirmation bias, random headlines, George Mason against the constitution for good reason, AZ and TN bad school voucher programs, and "Stop Living the American Scam".
- Social media and it's echo chambers and confirmation bias
- Random headlines (mostly climate change ones)
- George Mason against the constitution for good reason
Mason refused to sign the document and said it would end in monarchy or tyrannical aristocracy. Everything he feared came to pass. "This government will set out [establish] a moderate aristocracy: it is at present impossible to foresee whether it will, in its operation, produce a monarchy or a corrupt, tyrannical aristocracy; it will most probably vibrate some years between the two and then terminate in the one or the other." - Founding Father, George Mason, 1789
- AZ and TN bad school voucher programs - source
"Ignoring voters, Arizona approves nation’s largest school voucher scheme. Under the new voucher plan, all 1.1 million students in Arizona who can enroll in a public school can get vouchers — technically known as Empowerment Scholarship Accounts — in the form of a debit card worth about $7,000 and use it for educational purposes. $10,255 in average tuition for nonreligious private schools in Arizona." YES the school system is broken and needs reform but this isn't it.
It’s Time to Stop Living the American Scam - oped piece
"A decade later, people aren’t trying to sell busyness as a virtue anymore, not even to themselves. A new generation has grown to adulthood that’s never known capitalism as a functioning economic system. My generation, X, was the first postwar cohort to be downwardly mobile, but millennials were the first to know it going in. Our country’s oligarchs forgot to maintain the crucial Horatio Alger fiction that anyone can get ahead with hard work — or maybe they just dropped it, figuring we no longer had any choice. To young people, America seems less like a country than an inescapable web of scams, and “hard work” less like a virtue than a propaganda slogan, inane as “Just say no.”
Enough with the busywork already. We’ve been “productive” enough — produced way too much, in fact. And there is too much that urgently needs to be done: a republic to salvage, a civilization to reimagine and its infrastructure to reinvent, innumerable species to save, a world to restore and millions who are impoverished, imprisoned, illiterate, sick or starving. All while we waste our time at work."
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