Road trip story (The Punisher logo), hypocrisy, Chat OpenAI Bot, Baby Boomer Wasteland article (1996), men leaving work in droves, Stanford scientists say civilization crumbling, & we don't listen.
Road trip story and hypocrisy - Involves The Punisher logo and a Virgin Mary window decal
Chat OpenAI Bot - Is AI taking over? Will it take over?
Millions of men have dropped out of the workforce, leaving companies struggling to fill jobs: It's "a matter of our national identity" - source
The concept of this episode is that no one actually listens. They didn't interview ONE SINGLE MALE WORKER! They only interviewed CEO's of major companies. Those CEO's basically spoke for the men checking out.
Hitchens wrote "Pity the poor baby-boomers. Beginning this month, one of them will turn 50 every seven and a half seconds, but all they have to celebrate is their own mediocrity, selfishness, and hypocrisy".
Stanford Scientists Warn That Civilization as We Know It Will End in "Next Few Decades" - source
"Humanity is very busily sitting on a limb that we're sawing off." "I and the vast majority of my colleagues think we've had it," Barnosky's Stanford colleague Paul Ehrlich, who also appeared on the show, told Pelley, "that the next few decades will be the end of the kind of civilization we're used to." That grim reality, according to the researchers, means that even if humans manage to survive in some capacity, the wide-reaching impacts of mass extinction — which include habitat destruction, breakdowns in the natural food chain, soil infertility, and more — would cause modern human society to crumble. "I would say it is too much to say that we're killing the planet, because the planet's gonna be fine," said Barnosky. "What we're doing is we're killing our way of life."
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