Quick clips - Robots reproduce, 2 black holes could kill the universe, & Snowden on inflation.
Main stories -
COP26 is not to save you, but to look good
Why renewables can’t save the planet
Geoengineering the earth is dangerous and Bezos and Amazon Is Quietly Researching How to Block Out the Sun
COP26 is not to save you, but to look good.
-Nancy Pelosi avoids a really hard question. - Source
-The World Needs to Quit Oil and Gas. Africa Has an Idea: Rich Countries First. - Source
-Armed forces are among the biggest polluters on the planet but are avoiding scrutiny because countries do not have to include their emissions in their targets, scientists say. - Source
- COP26 climate deal: 'It won't save us from drowning' - Source
Why renewables can't save the planet - Michael Shellenberger TedX Talk - Source
Climate scientist warn of countries going to start geoengineering earth - Source
What is geoengineering? To geoengineer the planet, all a nation has to do is inject aerosols like sulfates into the stratosphere. There the aerosols would disperse throughout the Earth’s atmosphere, where they’d would bounce back the Sun’s radiation — thereby, in theory, cooling the planet. It might sound like science fiction, but this same phenomena can be seen when global temperatures dip following a large volcanic eruption. But the full impact might be disastrous. In fact, geoengineering could result in worsening weather conditions in certain parts of the world, according to Wired. It could also cause a global reliance on geoengineering — which means if we’re ever unable to spray sulfates into the atmosphere, we could see mass extinction events and crops die out.
Bezos & Amazon Is Quietly Researching How to Block Out the Sun - Source
A billionaire researching plans to dim the Sun might seem like the plot of a famous “The Simpsons” episode — but that’s exactly what Jeff Bezos seems to be doing. Bezos’ megaretailer Amazon has partnered with the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the geoengineering nonprofit SilverLining to help create models that show what exactly would happen if we blocked out some of the Sun’s rays, Gizmodo reports.
Why does 1 man have this much power to do this?
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