Squid Game kids costume, Halloween candy, Squid Game crypto, Jon Stewart's new show, The Facebook Papers, Federal Reserve - trading restrictions on its officials, Steven Donziger corporate prosecution.
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Squid Game kids costumes, Halloween candy when we were kids, Squid Game crypto and it's a scam.
Jon Stewart's new show is great and he asks Janet Yellen a challenging question about Walmart, Free Market and Capitalism.
The Facebook Papers - source
The Facebook Papers: What Mark Zuckerberg told Congress vs. what Facebook said internally. Zuckerberg said 95% of hate speech is removed when actually only 5% is really removed. The algorithms are supposed to create meaningful social interaction when instead data proves that their algorithms cause a lot of polarization. There's a lot more too.
Federal Reserve Announces New Trading Restrictions on Central Bank Officials - source
Fed Unveils 'Tough New Rules' Restricting Central Bank Officials' Stock Trades After High-Profile Resignations. Officials will be required to provide 45 days of advance notice before purchasing or selling securities "to help guard against even the appearance of any conflict of interest," the Fed said. They must also obtain prior approval to transact securities and hold their investments for at least one year. Why can't this happen with our congressional leaders too?
The Steven Donziger case - what’s being called the first-ever case of corporate prosecution.
Over three decades of drilling in the Amazon, Chevron deliberately dumped more than 16 billion gallons of toxic wastewater and 17 million gallons of crude oil into the rainforest. Chevron committed ecocide to save money—about $3 per barrel. Many experts consider it the biggest oil-related disaster in history, with the total area affected 30 times larger than the Exxon-Valdez spill. Chevron created a super-fund site in the Amazon rainforest that is estimated to be the size of Rhode Island.
Produced by The Wild 1 Media - www.thewild1media.com. Check out our other podcasts-