OnlyFans/gig economy, creepy deepfake tom cruise videos, the 8 white identities, federal judge "eviction moratorium is unconstitutional", Harvard prof: Focusing on time instead of money = happier.
Jobless, Selling Nudes Online and Still Struggling - source
OnlyFans, a social media platform that allows people to sell explicit photos of themselves, has boomed during the pandemic. But competition on the site means many won’t earn much.
Deepfake videos of Tom Cruise show the technology's threat to society is very real - source
New deepfake videos of actor Tom Cruise have made their way onto TikTok under the handle @deeptomcruise, and boy do they look real. They're so realistic, in fact, it's possible that you wouldn't even know they're computer-generated had you not been alerted by the account's handle. And they were made using not much more than sample footage of Cruise and deepfake technology that's getting easier for anyone to use.
NYC public school asks parents to ‘reflect’ on their ‘whiteness’ - The 8 White Identities - source source 2 video
A city public school principal is asking parents to “reflect” on their “whiteness” — passing out literature that extols “white traitors’’ who “dismantle institutions,” education officials confirmed to The Post on Tuesday. The “woke’’ offensive at the East Side Community School in Manhattan features a ranking list titled “The 8 White Identities,” which ranges from “White Supremacist’’ to “White Abolitionist.”
Federal judge rules eviction moratorium is unconstitutional - source
"The federal government cannot say that it has ever before invoked its power over interstate commerce to impose a residential eviction moratorium. It did not do so during the deadly Spanish Flu pandemic. Nor did it invoke such a power during the exigencies of the Great Depression. The federal government has not claimed such a power at any point during our Nation's history until last year," Barker wrote.
Harvard professor: Focusing on time instead of money can make you happier ― here’s how - source
Given the economic stressors of the last year, especially when it comes to money and work, it is understandable to be overwhelmed by all the things on your plate. But Harvard Business School professor and happiness researcher Ashley Whillans argues in her latest book, “Time Smart,” that focusing on time ― freeing it up from activities that don’t make you happy and filling it with activities that do ― can improve your well-being.
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