Well, Toby's back from his quest to conquer Spain and Malta, and he's fresh with renewed enthusiasm. So much so that he has invoked Alice in Wonderland and Alice's conversation with the Cheshire Cat to demonstrate his thought processes. I'll let you, the listener find that delightful snippet.
In this episode, Rob and Toby revisit a familiar theme that proposes that the outcome of any M&A deal must be greater than the sum of the two individual parts. We start by looking at traditional M&A integration of "bolting things together" and surmise that this results in diluting the outcome. By contrast, a deal with a clear vision that takes both a finance and engineering approach will always deliver more significant, more sustainable value.
Why? Well, R&T argues that the duality of a financial and engineering approach to M&A infuses the best value for the two sides of the deal, and with the snap of a finger, INFUSION-type deals are born.
But it's not as simple as it sounds. Rob and Toby have determined to give it more thought, so if you are wondering what the topic of our next podcast might be? Think no more!