AAAAAAAARRRRRRR MATEY! We’re still talking about pirates on the podcast, because there's just too much treasure to dig up here. Today, we’re looking at the “sequel” to “Be More Pirate” with the aptly named “How to Be: More Pirate” by our guest, Alex Barker.
Alex graduated from Kings College in 2008 and after pursuing an MA in Conflict Resolution studies, began backpacking around the Middle East which eventually led to her working at Global Citizen, and then came to the Royal Society of Arts as a community manager.
Eventually she began freelance writing, where she came upon (last week's guest) Sam Conniff’s Be More Pirate, and was inspired to join his team in 2019. Since then, as Conniff described, Alex has gone from his “right hand pirate” to “full time pirate” spearheading the Be More Pirate movement.
It led to How to Be: More Pirate, which chronicles the strategies and stories of “modern day pirates” from healthcare workers to startups, and the How To Be: More Pirate Podcast, and to a bona-fide social movement that spans the globe.
With looking at lessons from the history of old school pirates, to new modern day “pirates” this is another episode of the podcast you’re not going to want to miss, so with that…let’s bring it in!