One of the biggest challenges of leading any team, is being able to coach the individuals in an organization, as well as coach the team that those individuals make up.
A number of sports encapsulate this coaching challenge, and golf, is probably one of the best examples of it. That’s what led us to our conversation with today’s guest, Coach Anne Walker.
Coach Anne is the Margot and Mitch Milas Director of Women’s Golf at Stanford, has two (2015 and 2022) NCAA Championship titles under her belt, 2x WGCA National Coach of the Year, and 3x Pac-12 Coach of the Year. Upon her appointment to Stanford in 2012, she had an immediate, and profound effect on the Stanford golf program, with 39 full-field victories to her name, and produced 28 (and counting) All-American women’s golf athletes.
We wanted to sit down and have a conversation with Coach Walker about what it takes to transform, and lead a program in a highly competitive field with some of the biggest churn out of any field. And it doesn’t come down to any secret drill, or running long and hard practices: but relationships and understanding.
This is another episode you’re not going to want to miss, so with that…let’s bring it in!