David Brazer (Ph.D. Stanford University) is Director of Professional Learning at TeachFX. Formerly Associate Professor and Director of Leadership Degree Programs in the Stanford University Graduate School of Education, Brazer continues to design courses and teach in the Stanford EdLEADers online professional development program for executive level education leaders. Brazer’s theory development and empirical research on strategic decision making, leadership, teacher learning, and organizational design have appeared in numerous peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes. Brazer is the lead author of Leading schools to learn, grow, and thrive: Using theory to strengthen practice, second author (with Robert G. Smith) of Striving for Equity: District Leadership for Narrowing Opportunity and Achievement Gaps (2016, Harvard Education Press), and second author (with Scott Bauer) of Using Research to Lead School Improvement: Turning Evidence into Action (2012, Sage Publications).
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“We wanted every student who came to Los Altos High School to feel as though he or she belonged in that community. We did everything we could to make sure that the campus was a welcoming place for everyone and that starts with basic safety, but it also starts with valuing all kids. I tried to do that on a personal level by meeting kids, by knowing their names. These are typical things that I think high school principals really work toward, but I also try to find a project for myself every year where I would work with a small number of students.”
-David Brazer
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