Nick Hoover is a school leader in Delaware who has a real passion for leadership and learning. He wants to change the world one person at a time. One student, one teacher, one leader at a time. This passion has led Nick, along with his brother, to start a leadership development company called We CLIMB You CLIMB.
His greatest passion though is being a father. He has seen his knack for helping others, leading others and self-improvement get passed on to his daughter. And he can think of nothing more important.
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“I'll probably never go without being in a Mastermind. The rest of my life. It's been a great way to connect with leaders. Sometimes I say like minded people, but I'm careful to say that because it's like minded individuals in terms of people who are striving to get better and who want to improve, but it's not like minded people in terms of diversity. We have a diverse group of people and the way they think, and that's really important in the support and challenge.”
-Nick Hoover
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