DANIEL BAUER is the Chief Ruckus Maker at BETTER LEADERS BETTER SCHOOLS (BLBS). He launched the BLBS Podcast in September 2015. With over one million downloads, the BLBS show is the most influential podcast available for educational leaders. In 2016, he changed how professional development is offered to school leaders through the structure of a mastermind. Since then, Daniel has coached and mentored over 100 school administrators from every continent in the world (except Antarctica of course). In 2017, Daniel launched The School Leadership Series, his second podcast which amplifies the diverse voices in school leadership today. He is the author of The Better Leaders Better Schools Roadmap, which released as an Amazon #1 new release and his second book, Mastermind: Unlocking Talent Within Every School Leader, will be available on September 28, 2021, from Corwin Publishing. Daniel’s JUST CAUSE is “to connect, grow, and mentor every school leader who wants to level up.”
Show Highlights
“It's not about being the best. I think that's a silly thing to strive for. If you strive to get better every single day, the funny thing is you probably will ultimately become the best. Just improve 1% every day and that will lead to exponential results. To create the best year ever, you need a path, a path that simplifies the complexity of school leadership. When you have a path, all you need to do is take the next step.”
-Daniel Bauer
Full Transcript Danny Bauer’s Resources & Contact Info:
Transform how you lead to become a resilient and empowered change agent with Harvard’s online Certificate in School Management and Leadership. Grow your professional network with a global cohort of fellow school leaders as you collaborate in case studies bridging the fields of education and business. Apply today at http://hgse.me/leader.
School leaders know that productive student talk drives student learning, but the average teacher talks 75% of class time! TeachFX is changing that with a “Fitbit for teachers” that automatically measures student engagement and gives teachers feedback about what they could do differently.
Learn more about the TeachFX app and get a special 20% discount for your school or district by visiting teachfx.com/blbs.
Organized Binder is the missing piece in many classrooms. Many teachers are great with the main content of the lesson. Organized Binder helps with powerful introductions, savvy transitions, and memorable lesson closings. Your students will grow their executive functioning skills (and as a bonus), your teachers will become more organized too. Help your students and staff level up with Organized Binder.
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