Brantley Turner is the East Asia Education Director for Dwight Schools with campuses in New York, London, Seoul, Shanghai, Dubai, Online and is currently launching Dwight School Hanoi. Ten years ago Brantley co-founded the only Sino-US cooperative high school in China, Shanghai Qibao Dwight High School. Serving as the American Principal at Qibao Dwight until July 2022; Brantley continues to serve on the school governing board. She looks forward to sharing her non-traditional path to educational leadership and how making a ruckus is a part of her approach to all things school.
Show Highlights
Push yourself out of your comfort zone and out of the country to deal with leadership paradoxes.
Saying YES to stuff will be the best gift in your life.
Tips to attract the smartest people by using an Assessment Center for interviews.
Learn how rest can be a form of resistance.
Belief in the power of disruption drives globalized education.
A motto and strategy that keeps children in mind when creating teams of support for your learning community.
Stop creating tribalism and avoid boxing your school in.
“ I didn't say, ‘Let me change my value system,’ I said, ‘Let me try to walk in the shoes of that value system and see what I can get from it, or how I can counsel people to think or feel differently as opposed.’ And my motto for that is ‘I really try to focus on getting it right, not being right, getting it right can look really different.’”
- Brantley Turner
“If you don't feel like you're challenging this status quo in your current context, find a way to disrupt yourself, move your body, get out.”
- Brantley Turner
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