Episode description
Gil and Sen are delighted to welcome Sara Thompson to discuss depictions of disability in tabletop games. Sara is the creator of the Combat Wheelchair for D&D, and of the Medicine on the Path supplement for The Witcher Pen & Paper RPG.
0m49s: Critical Role, with GM Matt Mercer.
3m35s: The D&D campaign Storm King's Thunder.
15m075s: The Greek god Hephaestus.
17m23s: Jennifer Kretchmer's Twitter.
21m35s: The thread in question, in which Sara describes Geralt as disabled and how that significantly affects his story.
25m08s: The Witcher: Baptism of Fire.
32m44s: Lauren Hissrich, showrunner of The Witcher TV show.
33m45s: A sample clip of the very silly Steve Martin film Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid.
46m46s: Amanda Leduk's book Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space.
52m19s: The Witcher: A Tome of Chaos supplement for The Witcher RPG.
53m22s: The Combat Wheelchair was featured on Critical Role episode C2E113 A Heart Grown Cold (at least, we're pretty sure it was!). It was used by NPC Dagen Underthorn. Also, Critter Hug is a show with Critical Role participants Matthew Mercer and Mica Burton interviewing people in the tabletop community. Here's the episode with Sara; you might recognize a couple other friendly faces in the same episode!