At the heart of the debate on this episode of Advancing Cyber is a fundamental question: Is “artificial intelligence” itself a critical infrastructure? Join host Cristin Flynn Goodwin, legal expert David Simon, policy leader Jason Healey, and technical expert Jesper Johanssen as they talk through a hypothetical nation state attack against AI to unpack how government and industry would respond. The experts weigh the risks and benefits of regulation, increased sector coordination and collaboration, and the need for an AI-ISAC to prepare for future attacks.
Given the diversity of uses for AI, the panel clashes over the notion that AI is critical infrastructure. The panel considers whether the issue rests with the now 25-year-old definition of “critical infrastructure” and whether it may need to be reconsidered for the new AI era.
This episode pushes boundaries, challenging the public and private sectors to prepare for the growing role AI is taking in our world. It’s clear from the debate that this is a question that needs to be answered – before the attackers answer it for us.