Episode description
So it's been a while huh? Well.... let us explain....
In this episode The Ladies Who Crunch talk about how sometimes shit goes a little sideways in life and we cope by doing something that only makes it worse: GHOSTING. When we ghost on part (or all) of our lives, we tend to dig ourselves a hole that is hard to climb out of. In this episode we discuss how to come back from exactly that kind of bullshit, whether that's with your friends, your collaborators or your finances (think taxes, debt and other forms of money-based-boogeymen).
Given that we ourselves are coming back from our own state of "overwhelm", we decided that we just needed to put something out there into the world in the most simple, direct and quick way possible. So this episode is actually completely uncut and un-edited, it's our full and unscripted conversation from start to finish. It's a little different than our previous episodes, but we wanted to publish fast, so here it is.
We will be returning with Season 3 in April 2022!! Until then, please send some love and say hello on social media, even just to let us know that you haven't forgotten us and that you are still excited about the show despite our recent absence.