Episode description
Nadya is Chief Reinvention Officer at the Reinvention Academy. She helps corporations thrive in perpetual turbulence and capitalize on disruption, teaching her science-based methods to help 1B people reinvent continuously.
Nadya helps people & organizations turn change & disruptions into an opportunity - and a source of real competitive advantage - again and again.
Called ‘The Reinvention Guru’ (In Ventures magazine) & ‘The Queen of Reinvention’ (TEDx Navasink), Dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva is a business owner, educator, speaker & author -- specializing in reinvention.
As a consultant, Nadya has helped such organizations as The Coca-Cola Company, ERG, Kohler, L'Oreal, IBM, CISCO, Erste Bank, Henkel, Knauf Insulation & many others to reinvent their products, processes, & leadership practices.
As an author, Nadya has written three books (“Embedded Sustainability: The Next Big Competitive Advantage” in 2011, “Overfished Ocean Strategy: Powering Up Innovation for a Resource-Deprived World” in 2014, and "Titanic Syndrome: Why Companies Fail and How to Reinvent Your Way Out of Any Business Disaster" in 2018) and contributed to six others.
Nadya’s fourth and latest book, “The Chief Reinvention Officer Handbook: How to Thrive in Chaos” is the a finalist in the American Book Fest Awards, the winner of the 2021 Axiom Business Books Awards, and the winner of the Kirkus Star, "one of the most coveted designations in the book industry, which marks books of exceptional merit."
Ross and Nadya talk about reinvention, startups, humans speed of change, systems surviving change, adaptability, tragedy, the USSR, mergers and acquisitions, Planet Earth with Julia Roberts, war, sustainability, big systems, critical mass, helping the world, compound stress, companies lifespan, anticipating change, design change, implementing change bridging operating systems and unlearning. The pair also discuss continuous reinvention, big transitions, technology accelerators, strategic planning, flexibility contracts, small changes, sabotage, dynamic budgeting, mindset, playful in chaos, cycles of regular reinvention, refreshing regularly, implementing change, values changing, Titanic Syndrome Test, Stella Adjust strategy canvas, asking good questions, learning new tools, founding a startup, entrepreneurship, the reinvention summit and elevating awareness.
- 00:19 Intro to Nadya
- 00:45 Nadya's background
- 02:32 Gratitude
- 06:39 Studying reinvention
- 15:53 The meaning of reinvention
- 26:05 Ground level reinvention for organisations
- 37:51 Recent impacts of reinvention
- 45:24 Nadya's Favourite tool
- 48:26 The last time Nadya did something for the first time
- 50:29 Nadya's vision for the future for the Reinvention Academy
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