Episode description
Mark has been Manging partner at STORYMINERS for 20 years, his primary roles include Advisor, Strategist and Creative. He has been a Speaker, Coach and Facilitator for 12 years
What is strategy, if not the story of who you are and where you want to go next?
When it comes to adaptive, what's the difference between modeling and modeling?
Spoiler: modeling can mean 'showing others how it's done' or 'shaping what's to come with them'. I practice the latter way ;-)
Ross and Mark talk about storytelling, delivering on promises, learning about people, presentation, engagement, environment, story first, purpose, consistency and customers needs. The pair also discuss innovation, learning, leading by example, replacing resistance, reacting, honesty, learning, consistency, checklists, behaviour, killing projects, focus, rules and co-elevation.
- 00:52 Mikes first story
- 03:21 Background and Key moments in Mike's career
- 07:44 Shaping Mike's career until now
- 15:16 Helping leaders when Storytelling isn't comfortable for them
- 20:23 Setting out storyline guidelines and arcs for the future
- 24:21 Being uncomfortable - Showing vulnerability or masking it?
- 29:07 Focus and uncertainness playing out
- 35:41 Innovation and working outside of core environments
- 44:56 Stephen Heckle's book Adaptive Enterprise
- 49:05 The last time Mike did something for the first time
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