Your need to be perfect is why you’re not showing up in the powerful way that gets you paid what you want.
You thought that when you:
Had the audience and connections
Had the inclusions overflowing with value
Had the seamless funnel and
Showed up as the professional that you are
The sales would automatically follow.
But all the rule-following, getting it *right* and doing it perfectly hasn’t translated to you seriously selling it.
And that need for everything to be perfect is showing up as you held back to the exact people you’re wanting to buy from you.
When you're complete with this taster episode, I want you to know...
That if you knew: exactly how to be grounded in your conviction time after time
you would make so much more money
and your business would explode.
Not just once. Again and again.
In our time together, I’ll tell you exactly:
What you need to release
How to step into the vision and
What you need to do to make it happen.
This is where you experience conviction playing and staying for the long haul.
Book your one-time session:
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