The Vulture is back! After showing that he's been a model prisoner, Mr. Toomes is allowed some freedoms where he gets to make a new and improved glider suit and escape from prison the second he gets into the yard. Not content just being free, he needs to make Spider-Man look like a fool in battle. From his secret abandoned silo on Staten Island lair (because there's so much open real estate in New York) he goes on to try to steal the pay from J Jonah Jameson (isn't he a cheap ass, there wouldn't be that much money in there).
Don't worry, Jameson has balls of steel and tries to haggle his way out of paying the Vulture anything (what an alpha) and a battle ensues with Spider-Man in the printer room.
Not convinced yet this is worth a listen? This issue also shows us the dangers of volleyball and explores Betty Brandt's fetish for guys who are scared of everything. Download the episode true believers!!!