hi everyone! welcome to an episode about stress... i don't know about you guys, but for me this has been VERY present in my recent life and has started to have real physical effects on me. so it's time to debrief about it, tackle it and stop the cycle! with the help of you lovely people who contributed on our instagram, this episode talks about:
remember that it's okay to eliminate certain stress inducing factors from your life, you're allowed to not do everything, all the time... !
(p.s. for those of you in want of some summer book recs, i also discuss my latest summer reads & summer reading list at the very beginning)
as mentioned in the episode, content might be a little different over the next coming weeks as cara is dealing with something in her personal life (which she'll talk about on the pod when she's ready <3) - so it'll just be me for a lil while 🥺. please let me know what you might wanna hear me talk about or people you'd like me to bring on.
to stay up to date on our lives, contribute to future episodes and share any of your thoughts - pls do follow us on instagram, tiktok or subscribe to us on youtube here. 💌 also, if you want to join our book club... you can join us here!
for advertising opportunities (or you don't have any social media and want to chat) please email us at: thematchadiariespod@gmail.com
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