Based on a real story & an article in the Wall Street Journal, we review the movie "Tag." In real life, 10 friends from Spokane, Washington, continue playing tag every February, even into adulthood, as a way of staying in each others' lives. In the movie, Hogan, Bob, Chilli, and Sable, work together in the month of May to tag their other best friend Jerry before he gets married and retires from the game. But, Jerry is a master of evasion & has still never been tagged three decades into the game.
- Which co-host compared Jerry to Hawkeye from the MCU, both characters played by Jeremy Renner?
- Which co-host loves the movie but then got concerned that a couple parts might have made his co-hosts or certain listeners uncomfortable?
- Which co-host compared this movie to "The Replacements" and watches that movie every couple months?
- Which co-host felt that the real life story was more compelling than the zany comedy delivered by the movie?
- Which co-host compared the game of Tag to Capture The Flag (in Boy Scouts) and Assassin (which some people played in high school)?
- Which co-host ended up in a "chuckle cul-de-sac" over a scene with an office chair?
- Which co-host noticed the intentional homage to the movie "Predator" during the scene in the woods next to the golf course?
- Which co-host said that Sable & Anna (a.k.a. Chantelle) are his favorite characters in the movie?
- Which co-host appreciated the occasional slow motion as opposed to action via shaky-cam?
- Which co-host(s) appreciated the performances elevating the comedy & emotional content beyond what was probably on the page?
- Which co-host is glad Will Ferrell and Jack Black were not cast in the movie as originally intended?
- Which co-host said the cast of this movie would be perfect as a team in a Ghostbusters spinoff?
- Which co-host(s) would have preferred the movie be adapted for a PG or PG-13 rating, minus some profanity & adult humor?
- Which co-host(s) felt one long-running "joke" near the end of the movie was more uncomfortable than funny, and which co-host felt it was a necessary step in showing a character going too far -- and that the other characters' reactions to it was appropriate?
- Which co-host defended the movie's immature humor during the lightning round?
- Which co-host compared this movie to a Taco Bell taco?
- Which co-host would put black olives in a burrito bowl? (Gross! And, there are no black olives at Chipotle.)
- And, what holiday-themed movie or TV episode did we roll first on our special 2021 *Christmas* Wheel of Insanity?
Listen now for the answers to these & other burning questions as we chase down the movie...Tag.
And, remember the wise words of Benjamin Franklin(?): "We don't stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing."
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Public domain music "Gotta Keep on Movin'" for the intro/outro is by Bryan Teoh via, and "Hip Hop Beat" for the lightning round is by John Sib via "Hail to the Chief" is also in the public domain.