We continue our 2021 holiday season with a review of "Klaus," the award-winning animated movie for Netflix which takes a new and unexpected spin on the origin of Santa Claus, involving a postman, a woodsman, and a frigid island town.
- Who called out one co-host for the mispronunciation of "cinematography" (it wasn't Joanna this time)?
- Which co-host enjoyed the "family feud" aspect of the movie?
- Which co-host appreciated the new animation techniques which led to this movie's unique & amazing visual style?
- Which co-host appreciated the sound design of the movie (surround sound made good enough for one week in theaters before its move to Netflix)?
- What did Dave's kids Evangalyne (8) and Josephine (4) think about the movie? *** They join us briefly to let you know. :) ***
- Who is she talking about when one child says, "I think he's _____"? Oooohh, what's the missing word? You'll have to listen to find out. ;)
- What exactly happens to Klaus in the end? We discuss.
- Which co-host was disappointed that, after this movie got considerably better, it then fell into a massively formulaic cliche, over-done by way too many movies & TV shows (but then recovered again soon after)?
- Which two co-hosts had separate issues with the music in the movie?
- Just how bad were the lightning rounds this week?
- What exactly is Todd's job (still not revealed, so more accurately, what is his job...not)? Which two co-hosts got it wrong? And, who really cares?
- What result of the Christmas Wheel of Insanity was so controversial we re-rolled the wheel for the first time ever (other than repeats)? How many of us weren't happier with the 2nd spin? And, did we keep the 1st spin, 2nd spin, definitely both, or maybe both?
Listen now for the answers to these and other snow-covered questions.
Grab your stamps, envelopes, paper, writing utensils, sleigh, reindeers, and toy-making tools, as we spread the cheer of...Klaus.
Check out our other holiday themed episodes: reviews of "Muppet Christmas Carol" (#028) and Gremlins (#026); our 3-part, radio-play-style, Scrooge-themed Dungeons & Dragons one-shot (#034 to #036); and a review of "The Man Who Invented Christmas" (#080). Stay tuned for our reviews of "Home Alone" and one or both of things we spun on the wheel this week (listen to find out what). (Note: Between a few random wheel spins and now the holidays, we may have gone a little "off-genre" recently. Trust us, there's plenty of science fiction & fantasy topics to explore in 2022.)
Update (Friday 23 December 2022): Our review of "Klaus" recently reached its one-year anniversary. It has now been re-uploaded with slightly improved audio quality.
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Public domain intro/outro music is "enchanting-christmas-carol-with-shepherd-flute-and-humming-angel-choir-10494" by JuliusH via Pixabay.com/music. The lightning round clock music is "quiet-eve-christmas-advent-winter-music-1772" also by JuliusH via Pixabay.com/music.