On this episode, Maria and Meghan give you a deep dive on current Standard ahead of the Pro Tour (just two weekends away!) It’ll help you decide what to play at FMN, a PPTQ, or what to build on Arena. If you’re waffling between decks (or want to know what your opponent is playing) this episode will be a great guide. Limited is also not left out! Our hosts give their thoughts on Guilds of Ravnica draft now that we’re deep into the format. What guilds are the best? What are some of the top Trap Cards? Find out! PLUS: Game Guy Nicholas stops by to promo a fun Halloween live stream (you can play along!), Meghan shows her hatred of mono red, and all the news you can (literally?) use!
Play “Welcome To…” with us live on Halloween @11am Central: http://www.twitch.tv/glhfmagic (You can download a printable game board here: https://www.goodluckhighfive.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Welcome-To-Score-Sheet.pdf or download the app to play along free on any app store).
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Great MtG Gear: http://www.ultrapro.com