On this very special episode, Maria and Meghan welcome friend of the show and newly minted Top 4 competitor from Pro Tour Ixalan, Sam Ihlenfeldt! Sam is a member of the MtA FrienDraft Squad and had an absolutely mind-blowing run in his first ever PT. Our hosts chat with Sam about how he managed to 3-0 his first PT draft, what it was like selecting a Standard deck (Sam dishes about his cool Mardu Vehicles tech), and what it feels like to be on the game’s biggest stage playing against the game’s biggest names. During the Pro Tour, the fans came to love Sam for his obvious love of the game, his friendly attitude, and his underdog run for the top spot. You’ll love him too after you hear him describe what it’s like to have your dreams come true in the most spectacular way.
Follow Sam on Twitter: @ihlenfeldt
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