Books are so special because they allow you to see the world from the comfort of your own home (or classroom!). Our guest today, author Violet Duncan, brings part of her world to students around the world through her storytelling. Violet is Plains Cree and Taino from Kehewin Cree Nation and began self-publishing books when she didn’t see her family represented on bookshelves.
In this episode, Violet shares about her latest book, Buffalo Dreamer. It’s a middle-grade novel that explores Indigenous history, focusing on the legacies of residential schools and the discoveries of unmarked graves. If you are at the high school level, there is still a place for this book in your classroom, and we discuss different ways that it can be used across grades.
After you’ve listened to the interview, we would love to hear from you! Where do you see this fitting into your curriculum? How could it fill a gap that’s missing for your students? Send us a message on Instagram @bravenewteaching or an email to
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