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Timothy Freitas, Master of Arts in Teaching, Secondary English Education A College-
Board-endorsed AP English Language and Composition consultant, Timothy has been teaching AP English Language and Composition and AP English Literature and Composition for more than a decade and a half. He has presented at the AP Annual Conference (APAC) and at the NCTE Annual Conference. He has been an AP Reader, sample-selection Table Leader, AP Question Leader, and member of the College Board’s Instructional Design Team for the current AP English Language and Composition framework. Timothy is a co-author of two of AMSCO’s Advanced Placement Edition English Language and Composition coursebooks. He has also been a consultant and professional development facilitator for multiple educational initiatives, typically working with underserved populations. Timothy teaches English and theology in Massachusetts at Whitinsville Christian School; before that he was a teacher at Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School. In his free time, Timothy oversees The Garden of English— a website and YouTube channel that assists both students and teachers with planning and instruction. The Garden of English also offers the best live and online professional development for English teachers and departments. All of this happens while he works his real jobs: being a husband and father of five.
PD for the Garden of English is so well received that each time Timm or his consultants visit schools or host online workshops, veterans and new teachers alike consistently laud it as the most practical and best PD they have ever engaged with.
Whether you're looking to schedule PD, search through a myriad of resources, or find some youtube videos, you can access everything garden of english at
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