A few months ago, we sent out a listener survey to get a feel for what you wanted to hear more of on the Brave New Teaching podcast. The overwhelming consensus was that you wanted detailed lesson advice. We hear you and we’re ready to deliver with our new “lesson plan rescue” series!
Today we’re zoning in on one of our favorite things to talk about - close reading. Have you ever been in a situation where you’re in a good rhythm of close reading in your classroom but then things start to feel super repetitive and stale? If you’re nodding your head yes, then this episode is for you!
We are each giving you different ways to shake things up when it comes to how you approach close reading. We hope you can stick these ideas in your back pocket so you have strategies to try when things are feeling a bit boring. If you need more support with close reading, be sure to check out this Close Reading Workshop and other resources listed below.
Show Notes: https://www.bravenewteaching.com/home/episode170
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