We’ve been fully embracing spring over here at Brave New Teaching and today marks the third and final episode in our Teacher Spring Cleaning series. So far we’ve talked about spring cleaning our texts and topics and instructional strategies and practices.
Today, we’re spring cleaning our curriculum and activities that we’re doing with our students during this time of year. This is all about refreshing and revamping some of the old stuff you already have - not creating a bunch of new activities that will suck up your time! We want you to tune into low-energy, high-impact activities that can engage your students, practice skills, and have a little fun.
If you love the ideas inside this conversation, then come join us in Happy Hour! You’ll gain access to the extended episode where we’ll share activities you can use to end a unit. Click here to join Happy Hour!
Show Notes: https://www.bravenewteaching.com/home/episode144
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